Monday, March 26, 2012


China: Triumph and Turmoil
Channel 4 8:00pm-9:00pm (1 hour ) Mon 26 Mar
Season 1 Episode 3 of 3
Niall Ferguson examines the impact of China's growth on the rest of the world, and how criticism of the country's politics could jeopardise future investment in the UK. He also investigates how fragile economies around the world are increasingly dependent on Chinese money to bail them out, and whether a transition of global power from west to east could be accomplished peacefully. Last in the series

This World: The Mormon Candidate
BBC2 London 7:00pm-8:00pm (1 hour ) Tue 27 Mar
John Sweeney profiles US politician Mitt Romney, the leader in the race to become the Republican candidate in this year's presidential elections, and explores how his Mormon beliefs are likely to be received by voters across the country. Sweeney travels to Utah to examine the appeal of the world's fastest-growing religion, investigates the faith's practices, including rituals Romney is likely to have participated in, and talks to believers as well as former members of the Church

Horizon: Global Weirding
BBC2 London 9:00pm-10:00pm (1 hour ) Tue 27 Mar
The work of scientists trying to understand why the world's weather seems to be getting more extreme and if these patterns are a taste of what is to come. In the past few years, the UK has experienced very cold winters, drought and floods, while in Texas an unprecedented amount of rainfall has been followed by a record-breaking dry period

WikiLeaks: The Secret Life of a Superpower
BBC2 London 9:00pm-10:00pm (1 hour ) Wed 28 Mar
Part two of two. Richard Bilton uses the diplomatic messages to explore America's foreign policy fears, including China's rising economic power, struggles with Russian aggression and the threat of an Iranian nuclear bomb. He tells the story of a crisis at the heart of Nato with echoes of the Cold War and investigates Kremlin corruption by meeting the sources who gave information to US diplomats, as well as interviewing Chinese dissidents and talking to those who tried to persuade America to strike against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

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